View Helpers


zend-i18n ships with a set of zend-view helper classes related to internationalization.

These helpers are based on Zend Frameworks's component for the view layer: zend-view and their helpers.

Installation requirements

The view-helper support of zend-i18n depends on the zend-view component, so be sure to have it installed before getting started:

bash $ composer require zendframework/zend-view

@todo Abstract Translator Helper

The AbstractTranslatorHelper view helper is used as a base abstract class for any helpers that need to translate content. It provides an implementation for the Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorAwareInterface, allowing translator injection as well as text domain injection.

Public Methods


    Translator $translator [ ,
    string $textDomain = null
] ) : void

Sets the Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator instance to use in the helper. The $textDomain argument is optional, and provided as a convenienct to allow setting both the translator and text domain simultaneously.


getTranslator() : Translator

Returns the Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator instance used by the helper.


hasTranslator() : bool

Returns true if the helper composes a Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator instance.


setTranslatorEnabled(bool $enabled) : void

Sets whether or not translations are enabled.


isTranslatorEnabled() : bool

Returns true if translations are enabled.


setTranslatorTextDomain(string $textDomain) : void

Sets the default translation text domain to use with the helper.


getTranslatorTextDomain() : string

Returns the current text domain used by the helper.

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